Write-A-Letter (Post 2/Part 1)

Calcium & Vitamin-D Deficiency

Dear D.,

I hope that you are doing well, I am writing to you to tell you that recently, I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I guess I should have seen it coming, considering my chronic obstacle with dairy products but I never had a problem with my Vitamin D consumption. I used to play for hours on a stretch outdoors under the sun, during the scorching day. Moreover, I was never a fussy eater. Just the thought of new foods excited my taste buds. However, my biggest foe had always been milk. Just the smell of it drew me away, giving me a sickening feeling. My parents scolded me several times and tried all sorts of ways to get me to drink some milk. Yet, it wasn't my fault that the temperature of the milk was never right or that I couldn't even stomach the smell of dairy products.

I guess, there had always been a doubt at the back of my head, wondering if my aversion to dairy products will be the source of my problems one day. Perhaps, it was this doubt that materialised into this nightmare that I face today. Turning my doubt into an ever-present indication that calcium is a necessity. On the other hand, stubborn me didn't even pay any attention to the warning and I refused to change my mindset. I knew that I was a healthy child. What could a small nutrient such as calcium change? Well, I was unaware of what impact this mindset may have on my future. My perspective could not have been more wrong.

All I can feel now is the weakness in my body, even the slightest fall leads to a fracture. I have already become prey to my folly, and I hope no one else should have to go through this. Don't give your actions the chance to haunt you later in life. The smallest mistakes, if changed into a habit can impact your life adversely. If you look at calcium from another angle, that of positivity, the distance from foe to a friend can become a short amble around the corner.

Yours Sincerely,


( By Anshika Saxena, Volunteer, Editorial Dept. Advanced Healthcare Foundation)


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